Saturday, July 12, 2008

Climate Change

Blog 52 has published a wonderful post. I am reproducing it faor our readers.

When it comes to global climate change we seem to act like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car. We see the cataclysm coming, but somehow we’re frozen in place, unable to take action to avert it.

Come to think of it, we’re both the deer and the driver of the car.

NASA and the Jet Propulsion Lab have an amazing Global Climate Change website loaded with data and interactive tools. Like this chart that shows how CO2 emissions have exploded in recent years. Yes, there’s always a bit of variation from year to year, but over the long haul it has been inexorably climbing upward .

Their Climate Time Machine is especially cool (and especially scary), showing how temperatures and sea levels are rising.

My overwrought metaphor goes like this: If you read all this data and still don’t think you need to take action to avoid the cataclysm, then you’re too drunk on fossil fuels and need to find a designated driver.

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