Monday, October 6, 2008

Think India Think, Are We Civilized Enough?

India is progressing fast indeed. But, Perhaps we are not civilized enough. It is time to introspect and to contemplate. I have found a very thought provoking post at Amit's Blog.


Mother?! India?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read this Very anguished post on AMit's blog.We have talked a lot about communal uprising against CHristians in our church meetings.THe overall view is that "Let the mess clear up"It is not so easy to shake someone's faith by hurting people of a particular community and scaring them off.Look at muslims. THey have had to undergo embarassments, discrimination at every step for staying on in India when they had all the chances of going over to Pakistan. Yet they stick to their faith. It is the same way with CHristians. THe fake ones among us would run away from their shallow conversions including the "converted" but those who believe truly would take it with a pinch of salt and go about their ways. After all we all belong to "India"and "her people"